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Dental Insurance Plus -Coverages on Wisdom Teeth Extractions,  


Question: I have dental insurance but need my wisdom teeth pulled. My general dentist can not pull them, so I must see an oral surgeon. My current dental insurance plan only provides minimal coverage for seeing a specialist. Can I get another plan with better coverage for a specialist and then cancel when the tooth is pulled, as I would not need it for the long term? 

Reply: Understandably, you’re looking for a way to get better coverage for your wisdom teeth extraction. It’s not uncommon for dental insurance plans to provide minimal coverage for seeing a specialist, such as an oral surgeon.

One option is purchasing supplemental dental insurance that provides better coverage for seeing a specialist. You could check with various insurance providers for a plan that meets your needs.

However, it’s essential to remember that there may be more cost-effective solutions than buying a supplemental plan. Some insurance plans may have waiting periods or restrictions on coverage for pre-existing conditions, so it’s essential to read the fine print carefully before making any decisions.

Another option is to talk to your oral surgeon about payment plans or financing options. Some doctors may offer payment plans to help patients cover the cost of treatment, and third-party financing companies specialize in medical and dental procedures.

It’s always a good idea to communicate with your insurance provider and oral surgeon to discuss your options and find the best solution. Remember that the goal is to get the care you need while being financially responsible.

What is Supplemental Dental Insurance?  

You can purchase supplemental dental insurance as an additional policy to complement your existing dental insurance. This type of insurance is designed to cover expenses that your primary dental insurance plan may not cover, such as seeing a specialist, an oral surgeon, or orthodontic treatment.

Supplemental dental insurance pays for a portion of your dental expenses that your primary dental insurance plan does not cover. For example, if your primary insurance covers 80% of a procedure, your supplemental insurance may cover the remaining 20%. However, it’s important to note that supplemental insurance is not a replacement for primary dental insurance. It is meant to enhance your coverage and provide additional benefits.

Various supplemental dental insurance plans are available, each with its coverage options and costs. Some plans may have waiting periods, deductibles, and annual coverage limits. It’s important to carefully review the policy before purchasing it to ensure it will meet your needs.

When considering supplemental dental insurance, comparing plans and coverage options is essential to finding the best fit for your dental needs and budget. Some insurance providers offer bundled packages that include both primary and supplemental insurance. It’s always a good idea to communicate with your insurance provider to discuss your options and find the best solution.

How a Dental Discount Plan May Help

A dental discount plan is an excellent way to save money on dental care services that your dental insurance plan may not cover. Unlike traditional insurance plans, dental discount plans allow you to pay a reduced fee for dental services at participating providers.

Dental discount plans work by negotiating lower rates with dental providers for their members. Instead of paying the total price for services like cleanings, fillings, and extractions, members of dental discount plans may receive discounts ranging from 10% to 60% off the regular cost.

These plans benefit individuals who need extensive dental work, such as wisdom teeth extractions, that are not covered or are only partially covered by their dental insurance plan. Dental discount plans offer an affordable way to manage the cost of dental procedures without having to worry about meeting deductibles or waiting for pre-authorization.

Moreover, dental discount plans are easy to use. Once you become a member, you’ll receive a membership card to present at any participating dental provider. There are no complicated forms to fill out, and the process is hassle-free.

It’s essential to note that dental discount plans are not insurance plans, and they may not cover all dental services. However, they can be an excellent complement to your existing dental insurance plan. You can save even more money on dental services by using a dental discount plan in combination with your insurance plan.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a way to save money on dental services that your insurance plan doesn’t cover, then a dental discount plan may be the solution you need. With its ability to negotiate lower prices with dental providers, ease of use, and ability to save money on services like wisdom teeth extractions, a dental discount plan is worth considering.

Saving Money on Dental Bills: How to Ask for Discounts and Financial Help at the Dental Specialist

Going to the dentist can be expensive and quickly increase if you need to see a specialist. It can be challenging to ask for discounts or financial help, but it’s essential to remember that options are available. In this post, we’ll explore tips on asking for discounts or financial aid from the dental specialist and how to be persuasive in your approach. By following these tips, you can save money on your dental bills and get the care you need without breaking the bank. 

First, it’s crucial to do your research before your appointment. Research the procedure cost you need and compare prices at different dental specialists. This way, you will know what to expect and can negotiate with the specialist if necessary. 

When you’re at the appointment, be upfront about your financial situation and ask if any discounts or payment plans are available. Many dental specialists offer discounts for cash payments or for patients who pay in total upfront. You can also ask if they offer financing options or payment plans to help spread the cost over time. 

Being polite and respectful when asking for discounts or financial help is important. Explain your situation and why you need assistance but don’t come across as entitled or demanding. Remember that the dental specialist is running a business and needs to make a profit, but they may be willing to work with you if you approach the situation correctly. 

Another tip is to ask about any available insurance options. Some dental specialists may offer in-house insurance plans to help you save money on procedures. It’s also a good idea to check with your insurance provider to see if they cover the procedure or offer any discounts for using an in-network provider. 

In conclusion, asking for discounts or financial help from a dental specialist can be intimidating, but it’s essential to remember that options are available. By researching, being upfront about your financial situation, and being polite and respectful in your approach, you can save money on your dental bills and get the care you need. Don’t be afraid to ask – you may be surprised at what options are available to you.

Reducing the Cost of Oral Surgery: Why Dental Schools Might be the Perfect Option for You

Dental school may be a viable option if you need oral surgery, such as wisdom teeth extractions if you are concerned about the cost. Dental schools often offer discounted rates for dental procedures, including oral surgery, to provide hands-on training for their students. 

By choosing to have your oral surgery performed at a dental school, you’ll receive care from licensed professionals who are completing their training. This means that you’ll be receiving high-quality care at a reduced cost. 

In addition to the cost savings, dental schools often have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, which can lead to a more comfortable experience for you as the patient. Moreover, the students at dental schools are usually more attentive and detail-oriented, as they are still in the learning process and are eager to impress their instructors. 

It’s important to note that while dental schools offer discounted rates, the process may take longer than at a private practice. This is because students are still in training, and instructors must oversee and approve the procedures. However, the extra time may be worth the cost savings, especially if you need extensive oral surgery. 

Search online or ask your dentist for a recommendation on finding a dental school near you. Research and ensure that your dental school is accredited and has a good reputation. You can also check with your insurance provider to see if they cover oral surgery performed at a dental school. 

A dental school may be a viable option if you need oral surgery but are concerned about the cost. Dental schools can provide an excellent alternative to private practices with their discounted rates, high-quality care, and state-of-the-art facilities. By researching and choosing a reputable dental school, you can receive the oral surgery you need at a fraction of the cost.

Exploring your options for dental insurance coverage when seeing a specialist like an oral surgeon

In conclusion, dental insurance plans may provide minimal coverage for seeing a specialist, such as an oral surgeon, which can be problematic for those requiring procedures like wisdom teeth extractions. However, various options exist, such as purchasing supplemental dental insurance, talking to the oral surgeon about payment plans, or considering a dental discount plan. Each option has pros and cons, so weighing them carefully and choosing the best solution for your needs and budget is essential. Remember to communicate with your insurance provider and oral surgeon to discuss your options and find the best solution to get the care you need while being financially responsible.

If you have any questions about dental insurance or want to purchase one that meets your needs, we’re here to help. Please contact our office at 310-534-3444 during business hours, 8 am—4 pm, M—F. Our team of knowledgeable professionals is here to assist you with any questions and help you find the right dental insurance plan.

You can also visit our website at to learn more about our available plans and coverage options. Our website has a wealth of information, including frequently asked questions, plan details, and a coverage comparison to help you make informed decisions about your dental insurance.

We understand that navigating the world of dental insurance can be confusing. Our goal is to make the process as easy as possible. So, whether you need help understanding your current dental insurance plan, want to switch to a new plan, or are looking for additional coverage, we’re here to help.

Thank you for considering Dental Insurance Plus for your dental insurance needs. We look forward to assisting you and helping you find the right dental insurance plan that meets your needs and budget.

Dental Insurance Plus – Stay Away From Sticky, Sugary Candy


Regarding oral health, maintaining healthy eating habits is as important as regularly brushing and flossing your teeth. While sugary snacks and treats might be tempting, it’s important to remember that specific candy can hurt your teeth.

Sticky candies, such as toffee and gummy bears, are particularly problematic. Their sticky texture can find its way between teeth and along gum lines, making them difficult to remove with brushing and flossing alone. Over time, the bacteria in your mouth interact with the sugars in these candies to produce acids that weaken your tooth enamel, leading to cavities and other dental problems.

That being said, if you indulge in sticky, sugary candy, you must take extra care of your teeth afterward. Brush and floss thoroughly to remove candy residue from your teeth and gums. Additionally, consider using an antibacterial mouthwash to kill any bacteria lingering in your mouth.

While all sugary snacks and treats can harm your teeth, some candy can be particularly harmful. Hard candies, for example, can chip or crack your teeth, while sour candies are highly acidic and can erode your tooth enamel over time. So, avoiding these types of candy is best, and opt for healthier snack options.

By being mindful of your candy choices and taking extra care of your teeth afterward, you can help protect your oral health and avoid costly dental procedures. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!

Some Good Tooth-Friendly Candy Options

If you’re looking for tooth-friendly candy options, choose sugar-free gum or candy instead of traditional sugary candies. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that has been shown to reduce the risk of tooth decay, so look for products that contain this ingredient. Dark chocolate is another good option as it contains less sugar than milk chocolate. You can also try dried fruits like raisins or cranberries, as they contain natural sugars and are less sticky than gummy candies, which can stick to your teeth and promote decay.  

Tooth-Friendly Snack Options for Healthy Teeth and Overall Health

Maintaining good oral health and hygiene is essential for overall health and well-being. While sugary snacks and treats might be tempting, it’s important to remember that some candy can harm your teeth. Therefore, choosing tooth-friendly snack options can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. Here are some healthy snack options that are good for your teeth and overall health: 

  • Cheese and dairy products: Cheese and other dairy products are rich in calcium essential for strong teeth and bones. They also help to neutralize acids in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.
  • Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are a great source of protein and essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which help to strengthen teeth and bones. 
  • Sugar-free gum and candy: Sugar-free gum and candy containing xylitol can help prevent tooth decay by reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  • Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate and is rich in antioxidants that promote overall health.

Choosing tooth-friendly snack options can help maintain healthy teeth and gums and prevent dental problems. Remember to brush, floss regularly, and visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

Fruits and Vegetables Make for Good Snack Options. 

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best snacks for good oral health and well-being. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus, which help build strong teeth and gums. Eating crunchy and raw fruits and vegetables can also help scrub away plaque and debris from teeth, promoting good oral hygiene. Here are some examples of good fruits and vegetables that are great for your oral health:

  • Apples: Apples are rich in fiber and help to clean teeth and gums while you eat them. Their fibrous texture helps to scrub away plaque and debris from teeth.
  • Carrots: Carrots are rich in fiber, vitamin A, and beta-carotene, which promote healthy gums and teeth. Chewing on raw carrots also helps to stimulate saliva production, which neutralizes harmful acids in the mouth.   
  • Celery: Celery is a crunchy vegetable that helps to clean teeth and gums while you eat it. It is also rich in vitamins A and C, which promote healthy teeth and gums.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, essential for healthy gums. They also contain malic acid, which helps to whiten teeth naturally.
  • Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, which help to build strong teeth and bones. They are also rich in folic acid, which promotes healthy gums.

Including these fruits and vegetables in your diet can help maintain good oral health and prevent dental problems. 

Learn How to Floss Your Teeth for Best Results Correctly 

When it comes to flossing, there are certain practices that you should follow to achieve the best results. Here are some dos and don’ts of flossing:


  •  Use a floss piece about 18-20 inches long.
  • Wind the floss around your fingers and hold it tautly between your thumbs and forefingers.
  • Gently slide the floss between your teeth using a zig-zag motion.
  • Curve the floss around each tooth’s base, ensuring you go beneath the gumline.
  • Use a fresh section of floss for each tooth to avoid spreading bacteria.


  • Snap the floss into your gums, as it can cause pain and bleeding.
  • Use a sawing motion, as it can damage your gums.
  • Rush through the process – take your time to ensure that you clean between each tooth properly.
  • Reuse the same section of floss, as it can transfer bacteria to other parts of your mouth.

Remember that correct flossing can help to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. So, take the time to floss correctly and maintain good oral hygiene.

Dos and Don’ts of Brushing Your Teeth

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for healthy teeth and gums, and brushing your teeth twice a day is essential. But did you know that there are certain dos and don’ts of brushing your teeth that you should follow to ensure that you are taking proper care of your oral health? This article will discuss the dos and don’ts of brushing your teeth, including tips on how to brush effectively and what to avoid to prevent damage to your teeth and gums. So let’s get started!


  • Brush twice a day, for two minutes each time.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your gums.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen your tooth enamel.
  • Brush in circular motions, angling the brush towards the gumline.
  • Brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the fronts, backs, and chewing surfaces.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or when the bristles fray.
  • Use a tongue scraper or brush to clean your tongue and freshen your breath.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after brushing to remove any remaining toothpaste.


  • Don’t brush too hard; it can damage your tooth enamel and gums.
  • Don’t rush through your brushing routine. Take your time to ensure you brush all surfaces of your teeth thoroughly.
  • Don’t forget to brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria and cause bad breath.
  • Don’t share your toothbrush with others; it can spread germs and bacteria.
  • Don’t use an old or frayed toothbrush, as it won’t clean your teeth effectively.
  • Don’t skip brushing before bedtime, as it allows bacteria to multiply and cause tooth decay.

Encouraging Good Dental Care Habits 

Encouraging good dental care habits in kids is essential for their overall health and well-being. Here are some tips on how to enable your kids to have good dental care habits:

  • Start Early: It is essential to start teaching good dental care habits to your kids from an early age. When they emerge, you can begin cleaning their teeth with a soft bristle brush and water.
  •  Make it Fun: Brushing teeth can be a fun activity for kids. You can make it a game by singing a song or making up a story while they brush.
  • Lead by example: Kids learn by observing their parents, so ensure you set a good example by brushing and flossing regularly.
  • Use Kid-Friendly Products: Kids may be more willing to brush their teeth if they have fun toothbrushes and toothpaste with their favorite cartoon characters.
  • Reward Good Behavior: Praising your kids for good dental care habits and rewarding them with a sticker or a small toy can encourage them to continue their good habits. 
  • Limit Sugary Snacks and Drinks: Sugary snacks and drinks can cause cavities, so limiting these in your child’s diet is essential.
  • Visit the Dentist Regularly: Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help prevent dental problems and keep your child’s teeth healthy.

By following these tips, you can encourage your kids to have good dental care habits and set them up for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. In conclusion, maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall well-being. By making smart snack choices, such as avoiding sticky, sugary candy and opting for tooth-friendly options like fresh fruits and vegetables, you can prevent dental problems and protect your oral health. Additionally, following proper flossing techniques and regularly visiting your dentist for checkups and cleanings can promote healthy teeth and gums. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so start caring for your oral health today. You can enjoy a healthy smile and maintain good oral hygiene for years with consistent effort and attention.

Thank you for reading our helpful tips on maintaining good oral health. At, we understand the importance of oral health care and offer dental insurance plans that can help reduce the cost of dental procedures. Our plans cover a variety of services, including preventive care, fillings, root canals, and more. You can learn more about our plans by visiting our website or calling us at 310-534-3444. Our business hours are 8-4 M-F. Take the first step towards better oral health today with

Individual and Family Dental Insurance


Customer Service Department

Our customer service department is ready to assist you with any questions you may have and help you purchase an employer, family or individual dental insurance plan today.  We provide access to many of the largest, most recognized individual dental insurance networks in the nation. is a specialist in dental insurance, dental discount plans, vision and prescription coverage programs for individuals, families and groups. We have been serving the dental community since 1983, you will find our licensed dental insurance agents are well informed and ready to assist you. Compare dental insurance plans and decide which one is right for you and your family.

Many of our dental plans have next day benefits including vision and prescription. offers quotes for individual and family dental insurance plans including an option to compare dental national coverage plans. Remember, buying dental insurance does not have to be a painful process. We offer dental benefit coverage in all 50 states.

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Dental Insurance Plus, Dental Plan Coverage


Legal Stuff You Should Know

The law mandates that consumers with dental plan coverage receive a fully detailed patient information handbook — a Description of Benefits — that clearly outlines coverage, limitations and exclusions.  Most individual dental insurance plans have annual maximum benefit levels which may be directly related to the monthly premium that you pay for coverage.

Statistics have shown that patients with dental coverage will seek out required care on a far more regular basis than those without coverage.  While dental benefit coverage should be taken into account, it should not be the deciding factor in your choice of treatment.  You should know how your plan is designed, since this can affect significantly the plan’s coverage and your out-of-pocket expense.  The year of the parent’s birth is not relevant in determining which coverage is primary.

Dental plan coverage may be continued during a leave of absence without pay due to disability.  Dental plan coverage for individuals is not commonly offered because dental needs are highly predictable.  Before comparing rates, check out the important features of a few plans for a thorough understanding of dental plan coverage.

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Dental Insurance Plus, Dental Plan Coverage


Effective or Start Date

When shopping for individual, family or group dental insurance quotes, always review the dental plan coverage description thoroughly for any variations in coverage levels.  Coverage is not in effect until an application is signed, transmitted, payment received and approved by the underwriting company unless otherwise specifically stated.  Finding the right value in dental insurance or dental plans is an important step in purchasing dental coverage for you and your family.

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Dental Insurance Plus, Baby Dental Care


Why Baby Dental Care is Important.

Many people fail to understand why they should take their child to see a dentist on or before their first birthday. Yet there are many advantages to beginning dental visits at an early age. One of he main one reasons is not really about receiving treatment at all. The first dental visit is more to establish a comfort level for yourself and your child while under the care of a dentist. It is better to build a relationship with a dentist over time, then to wait until an emergency happens and then have to have real treatment provided under stressful circumstances. The child will be less panicked and, hopefully, more comfortable when more extensive dental issues need to be addressed if he or she is introduced to the dentist early and if able to experience the dentist under less traumatic conditions.

Another reason is to monitor for early dental problems that may arise. One early concern is known as “baby bottle tooth decay” and is usually attributed to babies who are given a bottle to fall asleep with. In reality, babies’ teeth are susceptible to tooth decay as soon as they erupt, and overall gum health prior to the teeth coming in can have a huge effect on the long-term health of baby teeth. Of particular concern is when an infant’s diet starts to include anything more than breast milk or formula, when more solid foods are introduced which may contain more sugars and ingredients or components that can encourage bacterial growth resulting in cavities.

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Self Employed and Dental Insurance


If you are a self-employed person and have had the misfortune of visiting a dentist, you will immediately realize the importance of buying individual dental insurance coverage. Individual dental insurance plan help and information – is a specialist in dental insurance and dental discount plans, vision and prescription coverage programs for individuals.

We have been serving the dental insurance community since 1983, you will find our licensed dental insurance agents are well informed and ready to assist you. Compare dental insurance plans and decide which one is right for you and your family. Many of our dental plans have next day benefits including vision and prescription.

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Dental Insurance Plus, Gum Graft


Not Sure If I Need A Gum Graft

Question: Each time I go see my dentist, he tells me that I need a gum graft. I have asked few people, that I know and they they said that their dentist has also been bothering them to have this larger dental treatment, however, they do not do it. I feel the same cause my teeth and gums do not hurt me. Yet my dentist told me one year ago that I have to do it before another year goes by. Another problem is that i am a student I do not have money.  And I do not have dental insurance either. So I was wondering if other people were in the same position as me or if you had done a graft before, and is it worth it?

Answer: I always try and take the stand point that a no dentist will suggest you have dental work that is not necessary. If you are really worried about whether or not you need this type of dental care, here is a suggestion:

If possible buy a low cost HMO dental insurance plan. Most HMO dental insurance plan run around 10 – 20 dollars a month and they provide free preventive dental treatments. That means you can see a different dentist for a second opinion and get Free X-rays, Office Visit and Basic Cleaning as well as see if this different dentist advises they same type of dental care as the one you have been currently seeing.

This website offers HMO dental insurance plans in most states so I suggest reviewing our dental insurance options we have available for your review. Then even if a new dentist dose suggest the same treatment, you will then have some insurance in force to hopefully help you with the cost if you decide to have the dental care render.

Another option is to get a second dental opinion at a dental clinic or dental school. In many cases dental clinics and school adjust their cost based on what you can afford to pay. The point is I think that unless the people you asked for their opinions are dentist, I think getting a second opinion by a dentist would only benefit you and your oral health care.

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For calcium spots on your teeth, you may wish to consult a Cosmetic Specialist.


Cosmetic dentistry may help you to get your best smile at any age. One of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures to a perfect smile is bonding. Cosmetic dental bonding is a fairly painless procedure usually performed in one dental visit by applying an enamel like material to your teeth which is then shaped, hardened with a special light and polished.

For a more dramatic smile, porcelain veneers can make a drastic difference. With veneers, you can control the color, position, shape, and size of your new teeth which can correct crooked, worn, or chipped teeth. This procedure can cost between $1,200 – $3,500 per tooth.

Cosmetic dentistry insurance coverage is not afforded by most dental insurance companies. If you are with a group dental insurance company through your employer, you may want to inquire if cosmetic dentistry insurance coverage is provided under your dental plan.  Cosmetic dental coverage is normally provided by discount dental plans. Discount dental plans usually cover 15 to 20 percent of the cosmetic dental care cost.

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Getting a Personal Dental Insurance plan in Georgia


Getting a Personal Dental Insurance plan in Georgia.  How do I go about getting a good personal dental insurance plan on line in Georgia.  I do a little shopping on line but worry that with insurance you are giving alot of information about yourself.  How can I make sure I getting a good dental insurance plan and not getting scammed.

Trying to understand dental insurance coverages and how the different plans work


Trying to understand dental insurance coverages and how the different plans work.  Hello I am 21 living in Texas and I have to get my own dental insurance plan since it is not offer to me at my job.  I been trying to find an personal dental insurance plan to get online but it is all confusing to me.

The truth is I never had to worry about insurance because I either had it with my parents or my job.  So all the insurance lingo is going over my head.

Such as what is the difference between a PPO dental plan and an HMO dental plan?  HMO dental plan look more affordable with less limits but am I might be missing the pros of getting a PPO dental plan.   Also many website I go to thinking I am reviewing dental insurance then state that it not insurance but a dental plan.  What the different from insurance and a dental plan?

Also what is a deductible do I have to pay that in full along with my premium for the plan?
What is major dental care and why are there waiting periods for it?  Sorry I just not sure what I should be looking for.  Any advise or suggestions would be good thanks.

Posted by Mimmie | in Personal Dental Insurance | No Comments »

Personal Dental Insurance for individuals


I am wanting a personal dental insurance plan that will cover all the basic dental care a person normally needs.  I do not have dental insurance right now though my job and I do not think that will be changing any time soon.  Can I get individual dental insurance for just myself without having to go though work?

Posted by Jing Jing | in Personal Dental Insurance | 1 Comment »

Swollen gums, need dental insurance


A little over a week ago I was chewing some gum for about an hour or more when my gum was hurting around a crowned tooth.  I stop and the pain when away shortly afterwords.   So I did not think to much of it.

Yesterday I was chewing some gum and the same thing started to happen again.  So I stopped chewing the gum.  However today I notice my gums around my crown tooth is red and puffy.  It also hurt when I try to brush over the area.

I am not sure if it is the gum that is the issue or if something is wrong with my gums or the old crown I have.  I would have it checked out but I do not have dental insurance and can not afford to go to the dentist.  Is there some cheap dental insurance that I can get for this issue so I can have it looked at by a dentist?

California dental insurance, state budget cuts effectiving us poor people.


I do not know what to do.  I have two small children and live on very little money.  I use to get dental care though the state even though it was not much it did help me with make sure my kids teeth were taken care of.

I have been without dental insurance now for over eight months.  I am worried about my children teeth going bad without dental care but can not afford to go to a general dentist without some help.  Even the dental clinic are getting to be too over crowed and getting in can take forever if you are lucky.  Please can you give me some advise.

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Quotes on dental insurance, Choosing your own dentist.


I like your plans where it says I can choose my own dentist.  Is that true I go go to any dentist I want?  I called my dentist the office says that would send a billing claim to any I want but it would be on me if they do not accept them. I can I make sure that the dental company will acept a claim from my dentist?

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Dental insurance, Individual dental plan where I do not have to use their network of dentist.


My employer only offer dental insurance were I have to choose a dentist in their plan network of providers.  I get this dental with my med so I am suck with it.  However, I do not like any of the dentist that are listed in the plans network.

They are either dentist that i know are no good from experience and or though my friends.   Or they are in a location I would not want to leave my car parked for fare that I would not have my tires when I get out.

Are there any alterntives to what I have now?  I want to be able to choose my own dentist one that does good dental work and has an office in an area I do not have to worry about.

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Full coverage dental insurance, cracked tooth need dental help


I preaty sure I just cracked one of my teeth.  I hear it when I was eating.  I bit down of something hard then I heard a crack.  It sounded like it came from one of my back molars.  I have dental insurance though work but it is really only a cheap little plan for the basic dental care.

That as been okay up until now if I really cracked my tooth.  Will I need a crown?  my current plan does not pay out on crowns.   Where can I get a dental insurance plan that has more full coverages then what I have now?

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Dental Insurance Quotes, Getting the best rate


When I am searching for dental insurance quotes how do I know I am getting the best rates?  I have seen website that offering the what seems to be the same plan but with different cost for the plan.  I am not understanding a dental plan could cost 25.00 a month an on another site the same dental  plan could cost 15.00 a month.   If this is the cast how do I know I am buying the plan at the best rate?

Dental Insurance quotes for California, Part time working mom


I live in CA and I am a signal mom of one great five year old son.  I work part time during the day while my son is in day care for a few hours.  I have little extra money but that always goes to my sons care.

I do not have dental insurance though my son is cover under his fathers dental plan he has though work.   I would like to get an affordable dental plan.  It does not have to be great just something so I can go to the dentist for my twice a year check ups.  Keeping cost in mind what could you suggest.

Dental Discounts plans, are the dentist any good.


I have been debating over whether or not to get a dental discount plan.  It is with in my price range so that is why I think it would workout best for me.  However are the dentist that take a discount plan any good?  I was told to stay away from discount plans because dentist that take the plan are not really good dentist.  Is that the case that you do not get the best dentist in a discount plan like you do in an insurance plan.

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